Our movie is about a wrestler who gets upset at a tournament a few weeks before nationals and his journey, training, and preparing to beat the kid he lost to at the national tournament. As this is the first time I've shot a movie I've already noticed some problems that have made this assignment challenging. The first major issue that has come up is lighting, right off the bat I've noticed that it is hard to find good lighting outside. Yes, there are moments when it's exactly what I want but when it is not I can't somehow magically change the brightness of the sun or move clouds. When we're inside some places have the right lighting but those areas aren't where we wanted to film are scenes. The second issue that we found was different camera angles and shots, it's hard to use a variety of film shots that will help make the viewer feel a certain emotion or make a scene seem more intestine without overcomplicating or making the film feel messy. It's also hard being new and not knowing what angles should be used in certain scenarios making the filming process take longer. Overall the filming for our movie is coming along well and we are learning as we go different things that we like and don't like. As a group, we are also brainstorming ideas for scenes in relation to angles and different shots that we've seen in movies that we've liked.


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