Hello, my name is Josh Dorr and I am originally from Wheaton, IL which is about fifteen minutes away from North Central College. I chose to come to North Central because I wrestle and North Central has a great program that I wanted to be a part of. I am majoring in nutritional science and plan on becoming a sports nutritionist. In class, I said my favorite movie is Harry potter, but I like the question: what's your favorite food? It's hard for me to come to a consensus on what my all-time favorite movie is. But the Harry Potter movies are definitely up there on my all-time favorites because it's one of those movies that I personally can always watch and never get sick of. It also has everything that I look for and love in movies such as the good character development of Harry Potter, his friends, and antagonists. A build-up to a final battle was hinted at throughout each movie and by the time it came you were emotionally invested in the characters that made the final show even better. I choose this class because I love watching movies. Watching movies has always been my way of relaxing and taking breaks after a long day. I love all genres and recently have been watching a lot of films where you are lost through the film left guessing how everything is related until the ending where it all connects and makes sense. My favorite director is probably Quentin Tarantino, I love how he uses different camera angles to enhance scenes in films. I hope to get out of this class the ability to critique and rate a film more so than just saying “I didn’t like it”. And learn about famous directors and films that have affected and influenced the movies and shows that are being made and watched today. I love being outdoors and being in nature so I included a picture from my trip to Colorado I went on over this past Christmas break.


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